Sunday, April 16, 2006
When was my last update? 1st Apr....oh it's been 2 weeks liao.
Many things happen during these 2 weeks. Niichi's jaundice still have not subside, tmr test result will be out, so will bring him to clinic again.
As for myself, my confinement days were not relaxing. 1st 2 weeks were stressful coz didnt expect the unexpected. In the end i didnt latch, 1st few days i was so tired, then did try to latch twice, after that Niichi dont seems to know how to,and keep rejecting, it was so discouraging. everytime put to his mouth, his head will turn here & there, nibble on it then continue to cry as if i tortured him. That's my Niichi, wail like hell whenever he is hungry & when we are changing his diapers.very impatient little fellow...takes after me ;-) Sometimes feel like smacking him. lol
Then there's engorement to deal with,2 rock melons on your chest,I finally encountered the legendary tale. Used cabbage, no use,my friend told me better dont use cabbage as it contains enzyme to reduce milk flow. So use hot towel to relieve the pain loh. Kena plugged milk duct too...not so serious but already giving me enough hell. Have to apply hot towel to breasts, massage until the blocked parts disperse, i dunno y i kena so easily.It's very annoying & painful. Not to mention that I have to pump every 3/4hrs, else will engored. There was once when i slept thru the nite coz my mum was taking care of Niichi, and forgot to pump. I woke up with 2 hard stones on my chest, so huge that i really afraid they will burst! That time really can pumped out alooot of milk. My friend told me milk supply can suddenly become low & then stop, even we have been pumping or feeding regularly. It happened to 2 of her friends. So scary, it's against the supply meets demand theory. Niichi is on total breastmilk....I dont want that to happen.
I engaged a malay massager. She charges me $60 per trip, heard that others are charging only $50 ;-( But since she is recommended by Sherene, I will give it a try. It happens that if u take the package, she will charge cheaper lah -$55 plus baby massage + medicine. Being KS, i took the 30 day package, cost me $1,600 ($50 off). I want to be as slim as before! She said can be better than before! heehee..i want to be more curvy, waist to be more slender.
Anyway till today, it's only the 9th day...yet to see the results. but at least tummy is smaller compared to 1st few days. Now measured at 30inch, no change in buttocks ;-(, underbust also slim down liao.
One thing cannnot tahan is the oily feeling....and my mum complaint that im giving her extra work to do - she got to wash the oil-stained towels, according to her each time she washed, she gotta used 10plus buckets of water!
My back aching already, time to lie down.....