Thursday, February 23, 2006
Hey I hvnt been playing Maplestory for quite a while...oh no almost 2 weeks! Last sat i bot the cashcard for Maplestory -$10.50. I want to dress up Mamaroro and purchase some protection charms (not sure if the meso is enough- only 10,000) My sis told me can use the $ to marry (of coz need alot more than 10K). Wa sia, even in virtual world can also get married! But if u divorce u need to fork out another pile of $ (much more). Similar to the real world right ;-)
This leads me to the TV show "Get Real" hosted by Diana Ser. That episode was talking about the virtual world that now youngsters faced. Nowsaday there's alot of youngsters into gaming. And more & more are addicted to these cybergames where some admitted that they use the cyber world to fulfill what's lacking in their real world. Eg one of this kid said in the game he is potent, can slay all the monsters,win all the opponents which make him a hero, satisfying his self-esteem,which he cant find it in reality. Well sad to hear this but I think it's also a form of relieve for people who are stressed up in real life.
But so far im not playing Mapletstory to make up any lackings in my life now. Im playing for the sake of fun,that's all. But maybe my brother will argued that then y i paid to get dressed up for a game which is FOC? He said alot of kids spending $ on the cashcard. I also read about it in Digital Life! These poly girls bot cashcards to dress up prettily & they enjoy it when people call them chio bu. My brother wondered is it in reality these girls are ugly? Wow, this is sensitive man! This logic cannot apply to me ok?! Im a pretty mum hor......women r historically vain pots so it doesnt hurt to spend a bit to make themselves look & feel better right? Can also beautify the world, relieve stress for the men's eyes......
Oh, did I update in my last few entries that im in lvl 20 now? Heehee, slow moving rite? I will keep it up during the weekends!!